Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's Been a While

Wow, it has been forever since I posted. I just haven't really been in the mood, but now I am so be prepared, there are a ton of pictures.

Since my last post in February, Ethan has grown up a lot (Sam and I have too, but the change isn't as obvious). Currently, Ethan is 9 months old and has 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom), likes to bite me (but no one else), and crawls all over the place. Sam is on the bike squad and I am in my last semester at the U.

The pictures are from oldest to most recent.

Ethan's swing said it was for infants up to 25 pounds, but we had to stop using it a while ago because Ethan would lean forward and hold on to the pole or he would hold the toys and make the motor grind.

Just in case you were wondering, we don't smile all the time.

Ethan loves being read to. Currently his favorite book is "Night, Night, Little Pookie." He squeals when you start reading it.

He is starting to climb and will use anything he can get his feet on. He has made it on top of the couch a few times.

Ethan is obsessed with the camera. As soon as he sees it makes a mad dash towards it; you only get shot and then he's on the move.

Ethan loves fresh peaches. He won't eat them mashed or cut up, he likes to bite it.

Ethan loves playing with his daddy and no one can get Ethan laughing like Sam.